Whether growing indoors or outdoors, proper preparation for harvest is essential for maximizing yields, enhancing potency, and preserving the aromatic terpenes that give cannabis its unique smell and flavor. Hobbyist growers and commercial farmers are looking to master the art of harvesting cannabis flowers. This guide will explore the crucial techniques and steps to prepare for harvesting cannabis in both indoor and outdoor environments.
Indoor Cannabis Harvesting Techniques
Indoor cultivation offers growers control over environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and light, which are crucial for optimizing the cannabis life cycle. Below are the key steps for preparing for an indoor harvest.
- Monitor Trichome Maturity
One of the most reliable ways to determine the ideal time to harvest cannabis indoors is by monitoring trichomes, the tiny, resin-filled glands on the buds and leaves. These trichomes change color as the plant matures, shifting from clear to cloudy white, and finally to amber.
- Clear Trichomes: Indicates the plant is not yet ready for harvest.
- Cloudy/Milky Trichomes: Signifies peak THC levels, ideal for those seeking a psychoactive high.
- Amber Trichomes: THC is beginning to degrade, but these are ideal for a more sedative effect.
A jeweler’s loupe or a digital microscope can help inspect the trichomes closely to gauge readiness.
- Flush the Plants
Around one to two weeks before harvest, indoor growers should begin the flushing process. This involves feeding the plants only water, removing all nutrients and fertilizers from the growing medium. Flushing helps remove excess salts and chemical buildup, which can impact the taste and smoothness of the final product.
- Adjust Environmental Conditions
In the final stages of growth, it’s important to tweak the environmental conditions to optimize the resin production and protect the buds from mold. Lower the humidity to about 45-50% and keep temperatures between 65-75°F (18-24°C) to preserve terpenes and cannabinoids. A slightly cooler environment can also bring out rich purple hues in certain strains.
- Maintain Darkness Before Harvest
To boost resin production, some indoor growers choose to subject their plants to 24-48 hours of total darkness just before harvest. This is believed to encourage trichome production and enhance potency.
- Pruning and Defoliation
In the days leading up to harvest, remove larger fan leaves to allow better airflow and light penetration. This also makes trimming easier after harvest.
Outdoor Cannabis Harvesting Techniques
Outdoor cannabis cultivation presents different challenges and rewards. Growers are at the mercy of natural environmental factors like sunlight, temperature fluctuations, and weather patterns. Here’s how to prepare for an outdoor cannabis harvest.
- Keep an Eye on the Weather
Outdoor growers should pay close attention to local weather forecasts as harvest time approaches. Cold, wet conditions can increase the risk of mold and mildew, which can ruin a crop. If heavy rain or frost is expected, it may be best to harvest early to preserve as much of the plant as possible.
- Trichome and Pistil Monitoring
Like indoor plants, outdoor cannabis plants should be monitored for trichome maturity. However, because outdoor plants are subject to the sun’s natural light cycles, the window for peak trichome ripeness may be shorter than for indoor-grown cannabis. In addition to trichome color, outdoor growers often look for the pistils (the white hairs on the buds) to turn from white to a reddish-brown color, signaling readiness.
- Pest and Mold Inspection
Outdoor plants are more vulnerable to pests and mold, so a thorough inspection is crucial in the days leading up to harvest. If there are signs of powdery mildew, mold, or pests like aphids, consider cutting the affected sections or spraying with a natural pesticide before harvesting.
- Timing with the Sun Cycle
Harvesting outdoor cannabis is largely dependent on the natural sun cycle. As daylight hours decrease, cannabis plants enter the flowering stage. Most strains are ready to harvest between late September and early October, though this can vary based on strain and geographic location.
- Staggered Harvests
Depending on the strain, outdoor cannabis plants may mature at different rates, with lower branches and buds often lagging behind the top canopy. Some outdoor growers opt for staggered harvesting, cutting down the ripest buds first while allowing the rest of the plant to mature for a few more days.
The Harvesting Process
Whether growing indoors or outdoors, the actual harvesting process follows a similar pattern. Here’s a breakdown of the basic steps.
- Cut the Plant: Start by cutting the main branches off the plant. Some growers prefer to harvest the whole plant at once, while others remove individual branches.
- Trim the Buds: After harvesting, trim away excess fan leaves and smaller sugar leaves. This can be done before or after drying, depending on the grower’s preference. Wet trimming is faster but can dry the buds out quickly, while dry trimming results in a smoother finish but takes more time.
- Drying: Hang the cut branches or lay the buds on a drying rack in a cool, dark, and well-ventilated area. The drying process typically takes 7-14 days. Keep humidity between 50-60% and temperatures around 60-70°F (16-21°C) for optimal results.
- Curing: Once dry, the buds should be placed in airtight jars or containers and stored in a dark place for curing. Open the containers daily for the first week to allow excess moisture to escape. Curing can take anywhere from two weeks to a few months and is essential for improving the flavor, potency, and smoothness of the final product.
Harvesting cannabis flowers, whether grown indoors or outdoors, requires careful planning, attention to detail, and patience. By closely monitoring plant development, controlling environmental factors, and following proper harvesting, drying, and curing techniques, growers can ensure a high-quality yield that reflects the full potential of their cannabis strain.